
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜


Sircol Soluble Collagen Assay胶原蛋白检测

价    格:询价

产    地:英国更新时间:2021/9/10 14:45:14

品    牌:Biocolor型    号:S1000

状    态:正常点击量:3059



联 系 人:刘洋洋

电     话:021-50111501

传     真:

等     级: (第 7年)

性     质:生产型,贸易型,服务型,


The Sircol Collagen Assay is a dye-binding method.  The Sircol Assay measures acid-soluble and pepsin-soluble collagens.  The assay can assess the rate of newly synthesised collagen.  New collagen is produced during periods of rapid growth and development.  New collagen is also generated during inflammation, wound healing and tumour development.

The Sircol Assay can monitor collagen produced in situ, or during in-vitro cell culture.   It can also measure in-vitro extracellular matrix formation.

This assay is not suitable for covalent cross-linked collagen.  However, our SircolInsolubleAssay (S2000) replaces hydroxyproline analysis.  This allows the customer to measure insoluble collagen within one working day.


Sircol Soluble Collagen Assay

The Sircol Collagen Assay is a dye-binding method.  The Sircol Assay measures acid-soluble and pepsin-soluble collagens.  The assay can assess the rate of newly synthesised collagen.  New collagen is produced during periods of rapid growth and development.  New collagen is also generated during inflammation, wound healing and tumour development.

The Sircol Assay can monitor collagen produced in situ, or during in-vitro cell culture.   It can also measure in-vitro extracellular matrix formation.

This assay is not suitable for covalent cross-linked collagen.  However, our Sircol InsolubleAssay (S2000) replaces hydroxyproline analysis.  This allows the customer to measure insoluble collagen within one working day.
