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美国麻省理工(MIT)的白头研究所(Whitehead Institute)

白头研究所2009年10月9日 14:38 点击:12137

美国麻省理工(MIT)的白头研究所(Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research) www.wi.mit.edu 

Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research is a leading, nonprofit research and educational institution that has defined the cutting edge of biomedical science, creating a legacy of research excellence and academic eminence since 1982. Wholly independent in its governance, finances and research programs, Whitehead shares a teaching affiliation with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), offering the intellectual, collegial and scientific benefits of a leading research university.

Whitehead provides scientists with the resources and freedom to follow their scientific instincts, form novel collaborations and conduct high-risk research. While probing basic biological processes, 14 faculty Members and 6 Fellows develop innovative technologies and lay the foundation for projects that improve human health. They run pioneering programs in cancer research, immunology, developmental biology, stem cell research, regenerative medicine, genetics and genomics—programs with a record of success.

Director David C. Page likens the Institute to an artists’ colony. “What we do here at Whitehead is attract the best possible intellectual capital and empower maximally creative—really wildly creative—individuals to realize their dreams within these walls,” he says.


(来源: 白头研究所 )

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