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霍华德·休斯医学研究所(The Howard Hughes Medical Institute)

霍华德 · 休斯医学研究所2010年12月6日 13:28 点击:27664

霍华德 · 休斯医学研究所 ( 英文 : The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, HHMI)  www.hhmi.org
霍华德 · 休斯医学研究所 ( 英文 : The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, HHMI)
霍华德 · 休斯医学研究所 ( 英文 : The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, HHMI) 是 美国 一个非营利性医学研究所。截至 2007 年底为止,它是美国规模最大的私人资金资助生物和医学研究的组织之一。

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 是全球规模最大的非盈利性私立医学研究所-基金会,拥资 120亿美元,为美国第二大的慈善机构,仅次于比尔与梅林达盖茨基金会。 HHMI是由著名飞行员,工程师 霍华德 · 休斯于1953 年成立的。 多年来,HHMI已经拨款 15 亿美元用于支持医学研究与教育。该基金会拥有 318 名研究员,大多来自全美一流学府,其中不乏大师级学界泰斗,包括7位阿果奖得主。100多位美国科学院院士,以及才华横溢的新星。入选的二十几位华裔研究员像王晓东,许田,张毅等等全都是各自专业领域中的姣姣者。

HHMI 支持范围包括数百个国际一流实验室,为每位研究员提供大约100万/年研究经费,每次任期5年,以支持创造性但高风险的研究工作,并使这些科学家集中精力,不必再为申请 NIH 基金分心。医学及本科基础教育亦属于支持范围。HHMI与联邦主要医学生物学基金管理机构国立卫生研究院(NIH)既有互补 (如2001年以来HHMI对骨髓干细胞研究的重点支持),又有协作 (projects and the funding mechanisms),相得益彰。
座落于美国美丽海滨城市圣迭戈的美国斯克利普斯研究所(The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI)一直是位居美国前10名的生物医学研究所,也是美国最大的非赢利性质的研究所,在目前拥有的3000名科学家和员工中,有270位教授,约 800名博士后科研人员和1500名技术辅助科研人员,外加120多名博士生,在美国顶级生命科学研究生教育机构中,它和加州大学旧金山分校,耶鲁大学及华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)并列第七名。在化学研究生教育机构中,斯克利普斯研究所排名第六名,紧跟在哈佛大学的后面,所以研究水平相当强。斯克利普斯研究所每年从各个渠道接受多达8000万美元的研究经费。

斯克利普斯研究所由著名慈善家Ellen Browning Scripps创办于1924年。斯克利普斯研究所创办除期以免疫性疾病为重点。1977年斯克利普斯研究机构拥有临床研究和基础研究两部分,1991年开始临床部分独立出去,成为加州最好的临床医院之一。斯克利普斯研究所从1980年开始招收博士研究生,所以研究所的网址是:www.scripps.edu而不像许多非赢利性的研究所是xxx。org。

斯克利普斯研究所研究阵容十分强大,所里的许多教授和研究员都是大牛级的人物,拥有三位阿果奖级的人物神经学家Gerald Edelman博士,发明核磁共振的生物物理学家Kurt Wuthrich博士和2001年的化学奖获得者Barry Sharpless博士。研究所还拥有19名美国科学院士,16名医学院士和16名科学艺术院士。研究所的研究方向也非常广泛,包括生物医学的各个方面,但是斯克利普斯研究所以免疫学,化学和实验动物学见长,目前斯克利普斯研究所拥有14个系,8个研究中心(所)跟加州,佛罗里达州两个所区,两所去都座落在美丽的海岸城市,外加宜人的气候,倚丽的南国风光,是很多科学家们心倚的学术殿堂。


肿瘤生物学 Cancer Biology
细胞生物学 Cell Biology
化学生理学 Chemical Physiology
化学 Chemistry
神经成瘾性疾病 Committee on the Neurobiology of Addictive Disorders
遗传学 Genetics
免疫学和微升物学 Immunology and Microbial Science
病原学 Infectology
分子生物学 Molecular Biology
分子和实验医学 Molecular and Experimental Medicine
分子和整合神经学 Molecular and Integrative Neurosciences
分子治疗学 Molecular Therapeutics
神经生物学 Neurobiology
科技转化研究所 Translational Research Institute


综合分子生物学中心 Center for Integrative Molecular Biosciences (CIMBio)
翰锐多然神经研究所 Harold L. Dorris Neurological Research Institute
海伦多然儿童发育神经精神疾病研究所 Helen L. Dorris Child & Adolescent Neuro-Psychiatric Disorder Institute
儿童期和被忽视的疾病研究所 Institute for Childhood and Neglected Diseases
皮尔森酒精和成瘾研究中心 Pearson Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research
斯克利普斯应用科学研究所 Scripps Translational Science Institute
斯卡格化学生物学研究所 The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology
医学蠕虫研究所 The Worm Institute for Research and Medicine (WIRM)



斯克利普斯研究所的成功之处很值得深思,从一个60年代还是个默默无闻的小研究所如今变成了全美最大的生命科学研究所,并集临床,教学(培养博士和训练博士后),再到2009年即将开学的Scripps 医学院, 第一次在美国引入了以硕士学位为起点的医学院学生教育体制,必将在美国的高质量医生培养上独树一旗。

We live in an era of discovery. Each day, scientists bring us closer to understanding fundamental questions about human life. How does the brain process information and store knowledge? How do mutations in key genes cause disease? How do cells communicate? The challenge of solving these and other questions - as well as the promise of what those answers might yield - drives the quest for knowledge at the heart of our work at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 

HHMI, a non-profit medical research organization that ranks as one of the nation's largest philanthropies, plays a powerful role in advancing biomedical research and science education in the U.S. In the past two decades HHMI has made investments of more than $8.3 billion for the support, training, and education of the nation's most creative and promising scientists. The Institute commits almost $700 million a year for research and distributes more than $80 million in grant support for science education.

HHMI's flagship program in biomedical research rests on the conviction that scientists of exceptional talent, commitment, and imagination will make fundamental biological discoveries for the betterment of human health if they receive the resources, time, and freedom to pursue challenging questions. Approximately 350 investigators, selected through rigorous national competitions, include 13 Nobel Prize Winners and 131 members of the National Academy of Sciences. Hughes laboratories, found at more than 70 distinguished U.S. universities, research institutes, medical schools, and affiliated hospitals, employ nearly 700 post docs and provide training opportunities for more than 1,000 graduate students each year.

The Janelia Farm Research Campus in Ashburn, Va., further extends HHMI's commitment to research and discovery. Janelia Farm will probe fundamental biomedical questions best addressed through a collaborative, interdisciplinary culture. The initial research focus is the identification of general principles that govern how information is processed by neuronal circuits and development of imaging technologies and computational methods for image analysis. Researchers at Janelia Farm - including its most senior group leaders -engage in active bench science and work in small teams that cross disciplinary boundaries that bring chemists, physicists, computational scientists, and engineers into close collaboration with biologists.

The HHMI grants program fuses teaching and research, reflecting the Institute's commitment to inspiring and educating a new generation of scientists. HHMI funds initiatives with the power to transform undergraduate and graduate education by engaging students in discovery research. We seek opportunities to create connections across a continuum of learning that extends from the primary grades through high school and beyond and includes activities to increase diversity in the scientific workforce and promote scientific literacy in society. HHMI supports highly creative international scientists in key geographical regions and research areas, provides essential funding for physician-scientists early in their careers, and invests in resources that benefit the broader scientific community.

Founded in 1953 by Howard R. Hughes, the aviator and industrialist, HHMI is headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and employs more than 2,900 individuals across the U.S. It has an endowment of $17.5 billion. 


(来源: 霍华德 · 休斯医学研究所 )

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