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Microtek Medical

Microtek Medical2012年5月28日 17:49 点击:1666

Microtek Medical

Microtek Medical        美国 艺康集团 Ecolab

A long-standing leader in infection control, Microtek Medical specializes in the design, manufacture and marketing of an extensive range of innovative, premium quality infection and fluid control products today trusted around the world.

Traditionally a category leader in equipment covers, patient drapes and fluid control draping, Microtek Medical offers diverse product lines for literally every medical specialty from interventional radiology, cardiology and angiography to orthopedics, neurology, OB/GYN, urology and other clinical environments.

Over the past several decades, Microtek Medical has become the trusted name for product solutions now synonymous with risk reduction and protection in clinical environments around the world.

(来源: Microtek Medical )

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