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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>学术会议>美国癌症研究学会(AACR)第102届年会 2011 AACR 102nd Annual Meeting

美国癌症研究学会(AACR)第102届年会 2011 AACR 102nd Annual Meeting

AACR2011年4月6日 14:30 点击:5652

美国癌症年会 AACR  American Association for Cancer Research

                           AACR 102nd Annual Meeting
    欢迎参加第102届美国癌症研究学会(AACR)年会,将于2011年4月2-6日在美国奥兰多召开。 美国癌症研究学会每年的年会都会吸引超过18000多人参会。AACR年会包括了很多方面的突破,癌症领域最新的发展趋势与特征,癌症预防、诊断与药物发展及治疗。2011年的AACR年会不仅反映了AACR在基础研究、转化研究和临床研究方面的实力,同时也强调了这两方面结合后的产品开发。此次会议主要涉及的方面有:癌症与血管新生,乳癌的细胞标记,癌症细胞信号传导,细胞凋亡规则,早期诊断的生物标记,癌症探索的基因组方法,儿科恶性肿瘤的基因组与潜在靶治疗,生活习惯与癌症风险,抗癌治疗,癌症代谢,分子靶,微环境与遗传,化学预防靶,新兴小分子治疗术,临床新药物,干细胞癌症生物学与治疗等。


三、会议地点:美国 奥兰多
会员    2月9日后 734美元/人
非会员  2月9日后 1084美元/人


Tel:010-64937949  64931431   


On behalf of Elizabeth H. Blackburn, AACR President, and Joan S. Brugge, Annual Meeting Program Committee Chairperson, the AACR cordially invites you to the 102nd AACR Annual Meeting 2011 taking place Saturday, April 2 - Wednesday, April 6, 2011, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Once again, we will host and organize an exciting program on the best and latest in cancer research, in which a wide swath of the cancer research community will participate, to advance the cause of treating and preventing cancer. Our program will not only reflect the AACR’s strengths in basic, translational, and clinical research, but also emphasize the productive interfaces emerging between these once-separated disciplines. The program will capture the advances on all these fronts, with a range of speakers and participants who are leaders in research: cancer mechanisms, systems approaches to cancer biology, diagnostics and therapeutics, translation of advances to the clinic, and cutting-edge science in the prevention and early interception of cancer.

At the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, participants will present, discuss, and learn in a variety of settings: plenary lectures, symposia, minisymposia, workshops, poster sessions, and other formats. The meeting structure will be based on the streamlined format successfully launched at the 2010 Annual Meeting. This format allows meeting participants to be at the forefront of cancer research advances which have been evolving at breathtaking speed.

The AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011 was developed by a dedicated Program Committee, led by Joan S. Brugge of Harvard Medical School. The Program Committee has assembled an outstanding roster of speakers in a comprehensive scientific program that encompasses all of the state-of-the-art cancer research being conducted today. More than 6,000 outstanding proffered papers and hundreds of invited talks from today’s global community of cancer researchers will be presented.

Research in cancer has made almost unimaginable leaps and advances since the inception of the AACR’s annual meetings more than a century ago. Meetings are an important part of that progress. We want you to be there, to help strive to diminish the impact of cancer: we believe that together we can make that happen.

(来源: AACR )

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