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ESPEC The VOC emission test chamber

伟奥仕北京科技有限公司2011年4月21日 19:11 点击:2075


ESPEC The VOC emission test chamber

ESPEC CORP. developed VOC emission test chambers. These chambers use for test of construction products,furniture, electronic products and automobile interior. These are called cause of Sick building syndrome. ESPEC CORP developed the VOC emission test chambers. Our chamber was developed with reference to the emission test standard in the world. Our chambers can perform the emission test based on not only EN13419-1 but also an ASTM standard and JIS standard. And in addition to ECMA-328, BAM_Test_method and VDA276. Our Chamber carried out the lineup of five kinds in all of capacity to the size of a sample. Our chamber contains from a clean air supply unit to the sampling pump, and can carry out a emission test immediately. The test condition (temperature and humidity) are controlled by air-jacket control system. And our chamber has interactive interface for operation. By this, operation can be done simply and the stable performance can be shown.


(来源: 伟奥仕北京科技有限公司

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