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NIH授予New England Biolabs64万美元资助其表观遗传学工具开发

互联网2012年11月12日 21:48 点击:1417

美国纽英伦生物技术NEB New England Biolabs

纽英仑实验室(New England Biolabs)周四宣布,他们已经收到来自美国国立卫生研究院的第二阶段小企业创新资助,共计64万美元。用于扩大其表观遗传学工具的研发。

NIH Grants New England Biolabs $640K for Epigenetic Tools Development


NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – New England Biolabs announced Thursday that it has received a $640,000 Phase II Small Business Innovation grant from the National Institutes of Health to expand its research into development of enzymatic tools for epigenetic analysis.

The Ipswich, Mass.-based company said it has focused on using restriction enzymes in epigenetic studies for years, and research into methylation-dependent and methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes has resulted in new tools for identifying such DNA modifications. The grant announced today will enable additional research into this area, resulting in "a deeper understanding of epigenetic marks in the mammalian genome."

In 2010 New England Biolabs received an SBIR grant for $1.2 million for research into and the development of enzymatic reagents for epigenetics. It said today that it has received more than $1.1 million in SBIR funds since 2009.

(来源: 互联网 )

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