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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>行业动态>Dow Corning获得国家工业发展管理局的15万美元资助

Dow Corning获得国家工业发展管理局的15万美元资助

互联网2012年11月2日 14:14 点击:1662

阿拉巴马州的Dow Corning公司最近获得了国家工业发展管理局(SIDA)通过蒙哥马利城市工业发展局(IDB)颁发的15万美元资助。

Dow Corning Alabama Benefits from $150,000 SIDA Grant

Published on October 19, 2012 at 6:10 AM

Dow Corning Alabama is benefiting from a $150,000 grant recently awarded by the State Industrial Development Authority (SIDA) through the Industrial Development Board of the City of Montgomery (IDB).

The Industrial Development Grant is intended to reimburse qualifying site preparation expenditures made in connection with a new electrical substation and major electrical upgrades project, completed in July.

Dow Corning Alabama recently held an award ceremony in recognition and appreciation of the Industrial Development Grant at its Mt. Meigs facility, with those in attendance from Dow Corning including Denise M. Beachy, Vice President of Strategic Feedstocks and D. Scott Niswonger, Director of Silicon Metals Operations. Representatives from the IDB, SIDA and Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce also attended the event.

Dow Corning Alabama is engaged in the energy-intensive process of manufacturing silicon metal and various by-products used as a raw material for thousands of silicon-based products utilized by a wide variety of industries. By minimizing production downtime and enhancing energy efficiencies, the recently completed project signifies Dow Corning’s commitment to the Montgomery facility and its 160 employees. The project began in the summer of 2010, with assistance from the IDB and the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce.

The Industrial Development Grant program is unique to the State of Alabama and uses funds appropriated annually by the Alabama Legislature. The size of a grant is based on the total amount of capital investment on a given project, with the maximum award being $150,000.

(来源: 互联网 )

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