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互联网2012年11月5日 15:34 点击:1528

 美国礼来公司(Eli Lilly and Company)

Eli Lilly公司与Avid放射性药物Amyvid 已经获得人用药品委员会(CHMP)的积极意见,用于诊断认知障碍症患者的β-淀粉样蛋白斑块密度。

Amyvid wins positive CHMP opinion for use in cognitive impairment diagnosis

PBR Staff Writer Published 22 October 2012


Eli Lilly and Company and Avid Radiopharmaceuticals have gained positive CHMP opinion for Amyvid (Florbetapir F 18 injection) for the use as a diagnostic tool for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of beta-amyloid plaque density in patients with cognitive impairment.


The European Commission is yet to approve the product that should be used in combination with a clinical evaluation.

Amyvid global brand leader Diane Bakaysa said, "If approved in the European Union, Amyvid may offer an innovative and appropriate adjunct to other diagnostic evaluations for adult patients with cognitive impairment who are being evaluated for Alzheimer's Disease and other causes of cognitive impairment."

The radioactive diagnostic agent was indicated for PET imaging of beta-amyloid neuritic plaque density in cognitive impairment patients being evaluated for Alzheimer's Disease and other causes of cognitive decline in the US.

A positive Amyvid scan signifies moderate to frequent amyloid plaques while a negative Amyvid scan specifies sparse to no amyloid plaques.

(来源: 互联网 )

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