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Eppendorf发布新的Brunswick S41i孵化器瓶

互联网2012年11月6日 13:30 点击:1836

德国艾本德 eppendorf

Eppendorf骄傲的推出新的Brunswick S41i孵化器瓶。结合先进的二氧化碳孵化器和震动技术来创建一个高度稳定可靠的细胞生长环境。独特的六面直接加热外形提供了温和的对流循环空间。

Eppendorf Announces New Brunswick S41i Incubator Shaker
01 Nov 2012

Eppendorf is proud to announce the release of the New Brunswick S41i Incubator Shaker. The New Brunswick S41i Incubator Shaker combines advanced CO2 incubator and shaker technologies to create a highly stable environment for reliable cell growth. A unique six-sided direct-heating profile provides gentle convection circulation of the chamber.

Additional features include a fanless design to eliminate a common source of repeated contamination and expensive HEPA filters, removable stainless steel humidity pans, and sealed inner/outer doors and advanced PI control to maintain temperature accuracy and uniformity while minimizing costly gas consumption. A removable shelf allows for simultaneous shaking of suspension cells and incubation of adherent cells under the same conditions. High temperature disinfection (HTD) protects against bacterial contamination, while a unique InfraRed (IR) CO2 sensor offers specific measurement and accurate control of CO2 levels.

The New Brunswick S41i Incubator Shaker can be used on the floor, under counter or double stacked to save space; it is ideally sized for a cell culture laboratory.

(来源: 互联网 )

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