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互联网2012年11月1日 9:44 点击:1651

英国牛津仪器公司(Oxford Instruments)

世界领先的核磁共振解决方案供应商牛津仪器(Oxford Instruments)宣布推出AffirmoEX电子磁共振(EMR)系统,将给大学的EMR教学带来革新。

AffirmoEX Spectrometer Transforms EMR Teaching

Published on October 23, 2012 at 9:49 AM

Oxford Instruments, the supplier of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) solutions to the academic, food, agricultural, healthcare, polymer, and energy sectors, announces the launch of the AffirmoEX Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR) system to regenerate the teaching of EMR in universities and colleges.



Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis has developed and customised the new AffirmoEX Electron Magnetic Resonance (EPR / ESR) compact benchtop spectrometer, regenerating the teaching of EMR in higher education. Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR) (also known as Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) or Electron Spin Resonance (ESR)) is a valuable but often neglected technique. It is the only technique that directly measures unpaired electrons, a key chemical moiety, important in a range of areas such as free radical studies, oxidation, transition metal oxidation states, catalysis, reaction mechanism elucidation and reaction kinetics. Together with the AffirmoEX benchtop EMR spectrometer, Oxford Instruments is introducing a comprehensive package of undergraduate teaching materials, making it easy to incorporate both theoretical and practical aspects of the technique into the undergraduate curriculum. This affordable, compact and comprehensive approach will facilitate a renaissance of this valuable analytical technique.

To find out more, come to the Oxford Instruments booth, number 216, at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, 12-15th November. EAS is sponsored by the American Chemical Society as one of the most comprehensive forums for discussion and networking between practising analytical chemists from academia and industry. For further details, please visit the website at www.eas.org. For full details on the AffirmoEX system, hardware and software, please visit www.oxford-instruments.com/affirmoex.

About Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis

Oxford Instruments Industrial Analysis offers a range of analytical X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instruments essential for quality control in a diverse range of industry. For materials analysis, thickness measurement, product optimisation and research applications, the Industrial Analysis products incorporate the latest field proven technology coupled with over 30 years of experience in designing, producing and supporting world class instruments.

(来源: 互联网 )

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