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HTG Molecular推出完全自动化边缘系统

互联网2012年11月4日 17:06 点击:1217

HTG Molecular Diagnostics

HTG Molecular即将在2012年10月25-27日于加州长滩举行的AMP会议上推出其完全自动化的边缘系统

HTG Molecular to launch fully-automated EDGE system

MDBR Staff Writer Published 22 October 2012


HTG Molecular Diagnostics is set to launch the fully-automated EDGE system at the AMP conference, which will be held in Long Beach, California, US, from 25-27 October 2012.


The instrument, which is designed for use in clinical and research laboratories, features a barcode-driven template or custom user select protocols which allow multiplexing of up to 47 genes per well using less than a single 5 µm section of FFPE tissue.

In addition, the system eliminates the time-consuming and complex qPCR processes of extraction, amplification, and labeling and can deliver up to 1,500 answers per 24-hour cycle.

HTG Molecular Diagnostics CEO TJ Johnson said when fully integrated into a laboratory setting, the system can deliver up to 7000 answers from any sample type per work-week.

" It is the simple, walk-away automated solution to the 'Tissue Issue,' needing to do more with increasingly smaller samples, many laboratories encounter," Johnson added,

"The EDGE system derives and reports quantifiable results from a minimal amount of even old or degraded FFPE tissue samples.

"The launch of the EDGE system will mark an industry shift in workflow optimization and therefore a significant and necessary move toward more accessible and accurate answers for laboratorians and patients."

(来源: 互联网 )

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