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互联网2014年5月5日 8:39 点击:2791

德国拜耳医疗保建Bayer HealthCare  美国默沙东

路透社5月1日报道称,据知情人士透露,拜耳(Bayer)收购默沙东(Merck & Co)消费保健业务的交易已接近完成,该笔交易约在140亿美元左右。

此前有消息称,德国制药巨头拜耳集团(Bayer)和全球知名的消费品公司利洁时(Reckitt Benckiser)均在最终竞标者之列,双方之前分别提出了约135亿美元的报价,从众多竞标者中脱颖而出。但利洁时本周三表示,已不再积极洽谈收购交易,使得拜耳成为唯一的竞标者。彭博社周四报道称,拜耳已与默沙东进入独家谈判。


除利洁时外,拜耳还挤掉了其他一些竞争对手,包括包括宝洁(P&G)、勃林格殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim)、诺华和赛诺菲(Sanofi)。

拜耳已拥有强劲的消费产品组合,包括止痛药Aleve和制酸药剂Alka-Seltzer,但拜耳仍在寻求交易案来进一步拓展此类业务。2012年,拜耳曾和利洁时竞购希夫营养国际(Schiff Nutrition International),但最后利洁时以13亿美元胜出赢得并购。


 REFILE-Bayer nears deal to buy Merck consumer unit -sources

May 1 (Reuters) - German drugmaker Bayer AG is nearing an agreement to buy Merck & Co Inc's consumer healthcare unit, people familiar with the matter said, in a deal that could value the business at around $14 billion.

Reckitt Benckiser Group, one of the final contenders in the auction, said on Wednesday it was no longer in active talks to buy the Merck business, leaving Bayer in the pole position to win the asset, which is best known for Coppertone sunscreen and Claritin allergy medicine.

Bayer and Merck are hammering out final terms of an agreement and could announce the transaction in the next several days, the people said, asking not to be named because the matter is not public. Representatives for Bayer and Merck declined to comment.

Reuters first reported last week that Bayer and Reckitt had emerged as frontrunners in the auction with each offering roughly $13.5 billion, a price that could come close to $14 billion when the deal is finalized.

Bloomberg News reported on Thursday that Bayer entered exclusive talks with Merck.

Bayer has also edged out other rival bidders in the auction, including Procter & Gamble Co, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis AG and Sanofi SA, people familiar with the matter said. (Reporting by Sophie Sassard in London and Soyoung Kim in New York; Editing by Steve Orlofsky).

(来源: 互联网 )

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