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互联网2012年11月5日 14:54 点击:1693

美国BD Becton, Dickinson


BD introduces Trichomonas vaginalis detection assay in Europe

MDBR Staff Writer Published 19 October 2012


BD Diagnostics, a molecular diagnostic company, has launched Trichomonas vaginalis molecular detection test for use on the BD Viper system in Europe.


The test, BD ProbeTec Trichomonas vaginalis Qx Amplified DNA assay, is designed for the diagnosis of T. vaginalis in women who are considered to be at high risk for HIV infection.

The company said the assay uses urine specimens of asymptomatic and symptomatic females for qualitatively detection of T. vaginalis' DNA for the diagnosis of trichomonasis.

The assay, when compared to wet mount microscopy and culture, reduces human intervention and associated variables and improves speed to results.

BD Diagnostics women's health and cancer group marketing manager Chris Demiris said the global prevalence of trichomoniasis is on the rise and there are more asymptomatic cases than previously thought.

"The availability of an automated platform is especially important as clinical and public health communities embrace the need for a test that provides timely and accurate diagnosis of trichomoniasis when screening high-risk populations," Demiris added.

In addition to Trichomonas, the BD Viper system is used for testing other samples of chlamydia, gonorrhea and herpes on the same automated platform.

(来源: 互联网 )

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