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互联网2012年11月7日 9:31 点击:1246


PathCentral Announces Strategic Alliance with MikroScan Technologies,Leverages Innovation and Global Reach to Redefine the Way Digital Pathology is Performed


At Digital Pathology Conference, Companies Hail New Era of Cost-Effective Remote Pathology

VISTA, Calif. and IRVINE, Calif. (October 30, 2012) -- Digital pathology equipment manufacturer MikroScan Technologies, maker of the MikroScan D2, the small-footprint desktop whole-slide imaging (WSI) scanner, announced today that it has aligned with PathCentral (www.pathcentral.net), a leading pathology technology and services U.S. company with global reach into Europe and Asia, including China. The companies made the announcement at the Digital Pathology Conference, in Baltimore through October 31.

As part of the alliance, Mikroscan and PathCentral will offer a suite of hardware, software, and cloud-based tools that provide turnkey remote digital pathology solutions that are scalable from individual to enterprise level. Through its scanning technology and its strategic alliances, Mikroscan has broken the barriers to remote pathology workstations. Historically, barriers have prevented cost-effective remote pathology and impeded efficient workflow. Remote pathology traditionally has required an abundance of computer hardware, investments in servers and mass storage, laboratory information systems (LIS), microscopes with digital cameras and slide scanners, as well as the onsite facilities to house these resources and experts to administer them.

MikroScan and allies like PathCentral have changed the game through the synergy of cloud-based computing, cloud-based image hosting, cloud-based informatics, anatomic pathology LIS, and a very small, cost-effective whole-slide scanner.

"The day has finally come where a pathologist with a minimal hardware investment can run an efficient and effective pathology practice anywhere on earth,” said Bob Goerlitz, President and CEO of MikroScan. “By moving the computing and image storage to the cloud, you no longer have to worry about expensive server and software maintenance, and can take multiple types of images for report inclusion, consultations, or conversations – all with the space requirements of a PC and a printer, and with a truly affordable investment." “The dream of remote pathology has long been deferred by space, labor, and cost requirements – but those obstacles are rapidly falling away,” said Matt Watson, CEO, PathCentral. “Our strategic alliance with MikroScan is part of a exciting transformation within our industry. We’re delighted to help MikroScan open new markets for its technology, and to help make remote pathology accessible to populations in need.”

The MikroScan D2 desktop whole slide scanner offers the fastest, easiest, and most affordable path to digital pathology by leveraging leading-edge cloud computing and storage technologies to shatter the cost barriers while improving workflow and efficiency by eliminating travel and courier time. MikroScan Qumulus cloud-based workflow, image storage and management solution works hand-in-hand with MikroScan D2, and image acquisition software, Q-Skan to automatically upload the scanned image to your Qumulus account as it saves, providing near-instant remote access to pathologists anywhere in the world.

PathCentral’s cost-effective web-based anatomic pathology laboratory information system (APLIS) is highly scalable and seamlessly integrates all of the critical components of a pathology practice's day-to-day operations, including accessioning, grossing, histology, transcription, test send-outs, second opinions/expert consultations, reporting, billing, and financial analysis into a single platform.

About MikroScan Technologies, Inc.

MikroScan Technologies, Inc. founders have been engaged in the design, sales, and marketing of high quality laboratory instruments for more than 26 years. The company specializes in the development of cutting edge whole-slide imaging (WSI) systems and communication tools designed for pathology, biology and research applications. With game changing technology and pricing, MikroScan products represent a leap in advancement and convenience in the evolution of WSI and digital pathology. MikroScan centers its product development on speed of slide image acquisition, exceptional imaging quality, and unmatched affordability that breaks through traditional barriers to digital pathology. For more information visit: www.MikroScan.com

About PathCentral

Through its comprehensive suite of products and services, PathCentral provides independent community-based pathologists with the tools they need to increase revenues, improve operating efficiencies, ensure patient safety, and become highly competitive in their local markets. PathCentral delivers a unique blend of leading edge IT cloud computing technology, DNA-based diagnostic testing services, and global connectivity that enable community-based pathologists around the world to grow, thrive and more effectively meet the demands of 21st Century diagnostic medicine. For more information, please visit www.pathcentral.net.


(来源: 互联网 )

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