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现在位置首页>技术资料首页>行业动态>公司动态>Epic Sciences 完成1300万美元B轮融资致力于肿瘤诊断

Epic Sciences 完成1300万美元B轮融资致力于肿瘤诊断

Epic Sciences2012年11月16日 18:15 点击:2542

Epic公司是一家私营生物技术公司,开发突破性的癌症诊断技术。2012年11月13日,Epic公司宣布它完成了1300万美元B轮股权融资。这轮融资包括了新投资者产业联合投资,罗氏风险基金及辉瑞风险投资,还有一些未公开的个人投资者。除此之外,Domain合作伙伴Kim Kamdar博士也将加入Epic的董事会。




Epic Sciences的首席执行官David Nelson说,“无效的治疗既浪费生命,而且对医疗系统来说也非常昂贵。我们Epic专注于提供更好的工具,为合适的病人在适当的时间提供合适的治疗。我们风险投资的顶级团队精通肿瘤诊断的研发和个体化医疗。他们在通过商业化促进我们的诊断产品方面起着非常重要的作用,这样可以保证病人得到最好的结果。”



Epic Sciences Announces Series B Financing to Advance Essential Cancer Diagnostics for Personalized Medicine
SAN DIEGO, California - 11/13/2012


Epic Sciences, Inc. ("Epic"), a private biotech company that develops breakthrough cancer diagnostics, announced today that it has completed a $13 million Series B equity financing. This financing includes new investors Domain Associates, Roche Venture Fund, and Pfizer Venture Investments, in addition to undisclosed individual investors. In conjunction with the financing, Kim Kamdar, Ph.D. will join Epic's board of directors.

Epic is developing highly sensitive diagnostic tests that molecularly characterize circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood to provide a better way to detect cancer and to monitor and personalize cancer treatments.  CTCs are cells that escape from solid tumors, enter the bloodstream where they travel and eventually cause cancer metastasis. Today, solid cancers are first detected by invasive biopsies, which cannot be used repeatedly and are ineffective in understanding metastatic risk, disease progression, and treatment effectiveness. A blood test that can accurately detect and profile biomarkers on CTCs can be conducted repeatedly and can give essential, real-time information about disease status to tailor treatments to a patient's specific tumor.

"Epic's technology has achieved an unprecedented level of sensitivity in detecting circulating tumor cells to develop crucial cancer diagnostics for the millions of patients who need to understand whether their treatment is working and the status of their disease," said Dr. Kamdar, partner at Domain Associates. "With deep vertical integration of expertise in engineering, computation, pathology and oncology, we see that Epic's technology will not only have a major impact on clinical cancer treatments but also on the development of new cancer therapeutics and companion diagnostics."

"Ineffective treatments cost lives and are tremendously expensive to the healthcare system.  At Epic, we are focused on providing better tools to develop and deliver the right therapy to the right patient at the right time," said Dr. David Nelson, president and CEO of Epic Sciences. "Our top-tier group of venture investors has exceptional knowledge and capabilities in oncology diagnostic development and personalized medicine.  They will be very valuable in accelerating our diagnostic products through commercialization to ensure the best outcomes for patients."

With the proceeds from the financing, Epic will expand research and development operations and capabilities to commercialize the company's CTC platform, the basis of which has been exclusively licensed from Dr. Peter Kuhn's laboratory at The Scripps Research Institute. Epic is currently working with seven pharmaceutical partners to create companion diagnostic products for oncology drug candidates. The partnerships include a number of Phase I and II clinical trials ultimately involving more than 1,500 patients.  With these collaborations, Epic is developing a strong and diverse pipeline of companion diagnostic products. 
(来源: Epic Sciences )

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