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Ocean Optics任命新的销售经理以扩大印度业务

互联网2012年11月10日 19:44 点击:1722


微型光谱学和光学传感行业领袖Ocean Optics公司宣布,任命Hemchandra Sane为其印度的新任销售经理。

Indian Operations Expanded with India Sales Manager Appointment

Mr Hemchandra Sane

Ocean Optics, an industry leader in miniature spectroscopy and optical sensing, announces the appointment of Mr Hemchandra Sane as its new Sales Manager in India.

Based in Mumbai, Mr Sane will expand Ocean Optics’ current sales network to further improve local service and support for its valued customers in India. In his role Mr Sane will help and guide both customers and distributors in introducing Ocean Optics equipment and provide support with installation and training. Ocean Optics’ product range includes miniature spectrometers, light sources and accessories used in universities, R&D labs and industrial online process applications. Mr Sane will be supported from Ocean Optics’ European Sales & Applications Engineering Centre in the Netherlands.

“Having sold more than 200,000 spectrometers, we understand how important it is to be close to the customer and we have seen an increasing demand in India for our products,” said Marco Snikkers, Ocean Optics’ Sales and Marketing Director EMEA. “Our products are unique as we can bring spectroscopy to the sample, enabling many new applications in the field, such as monitoring water quality and air pollution, and also in process lines where the high speed aspects play an important role in increasing quality levels and yields.”

A seasoned sales executive, Mr Sane has two decades’ experience working for various Indian and British companies selling engineering products into India. He joins Ocean Optics from Grainger India, where he worked with various large industrial companies. Prior to that, he was the Sales Manager for RS Components and Controls India.

He has a BE in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's Degree in Marketing Management, both from Mumbai University.

“India is a tremendously exciting market for spectroscopy, with increasing research and development activity and plays a large part in our continuous growth of the company” explained Richard Pollard, Ocean Optics’ President. “Ocean Optics’ expansion into this region, beginning with Mr Sane's appointment, will improve support for our customers and partners throughout India.”


(来源: 互联网 )

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