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Merck Serono与Auxogyn进入Eeva测试开发协议

互联网2012年11月4日 17:10 点击:1713

Merck Serono已经与Auxogyn进入一项开发协议,Merck Serono将为Auxogyn专有的早期胚胎生存能力评估(Eeva)测试的开发和商业化提供战略科学医疗支持。

Merck Serono, Auxogyn in Eeva test development agreement

MDBR Staff Writer Published 22 October 2012


Merck Serono has entered into a collaboration agreement to provide strategic, scientific and medical support in the development and commercialization of Auxogyn's proprietary Early Embryo Viability Assessment (Eeva) test.


The Eeva test, which includes a multi-well dish for embryos and a digital inverted time-lapse microscope with darkfield illumination, uses intelligent computer vision software to analyze embryo development.

The analyzed data provides clinicians with information that can help assess embryo's growth and development.

Auxogyn president and chief executive officer Lissa Goldenstein said, "We hope that the Eeva Test will provide fertility clinics with access to a non-invasive computerized test that can help with decision making in the embryo selection process."

Merck Serono global drug development medical head and executive vice president Annalisa Jenkins said the company's main objective is to invest in innovative science, medicines and technologies that deliver improved outcomes to patients throughout the IVF process.

"Therefore, we are very pleased to be collaborating with Auxogyn to further support the clinical development of their Eeva™ Test technology," Jenkins added.

(来源: 互联网 )

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