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2012年Verder 收购Carbolite

Verder2012年11月1日 16:23 点击:1258


Date: 06-07-2012


As per July 1st the Verder Group has acquired the UK group of companies: Carbolite.

Based in the beautiful English Peak District, Carbolite is the leading manufacturing of laboratory and industrial furnaces. The company has 160 employees and has own distribution companies in Germany, France and the USA which have provided for significant growth during the past years. Carbolite will be an important part of the Verder Groups laboratory division which boast the high growth companies Retsch, Eltra and Endecotts.

“The excellent market position of Carbolite in laboratories, the high quality standards and the growth potential make Carbolite a very exciting addition to our existing companies. We firmly believe that the extensive network of Retsch, Eltra and Endecotts will be a large asset for Carbolite”, says Andries Verder, CEO of the Verder Group.

“After several years of strong growth under Nova Capital, we are pleased to become a member of the Verder Group which will no doubt add great value due its strong penetrations in almost all the markets we serve. Our offering to our customers has just become even more impressive” says John Bailey, CEO of Carbolite
Carbolite will be managed as a stand-alone unit within the Verder Laboratory division and the current management will remain with the company. Nova Capital, previous shareholder, acquired the company in 2007 from Barloworld and provided significant growth during these years.

(来源: Verder )

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