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Cartagenia与Interactive Biosoftware整合基因组变化数据工具

互联网2012年11月13日 12:49 点击:1364

Cartagenia 和Interactive Biosoftware表示,他们将整合整合他们的数据分析工具,用于常规诊断方法解读基因组变化

Cartagenia, Interactive Biosoftware to Integrate Genomic Variation Data Tools

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Cartagenia and Interactive Biosoftware today said that they will integrate their data analysis tools for interpreting genomic variation in routine diagnostics.

Under the alliance, Cartagenia will integrate Interactive Biosoftware's Alamut gene visualization software and database platform into its Benchlab platform. The combine product will offer the variant data, filtering, interpretation, and management capabilities of the Benchlab platform with the annotation and visualization capabilities of the Alamut software. The partners will market the combined solution to their respective customers, but will also continue to sell their own products independently.

Cartagenia CEO Herman Verrelst said in a statement that "a number of genetics labs" have set up their next-generation sequencing-based diagnostics on Benchlab with Interactive Biosoftware's Alamut software embedded in the workflow.

"A technical integration of the two systems provides a single workflow experience," said Verrelst. "We now also have a commercial agreement with IB through which our customers can obtain the Alamut solution directly from us under a single license agreement and under favorable commercial terms once they go to higher data and user volumes, which is anticipated with the introduction of NGS platforms."

(来源: 互联网 )

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