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Cold Spring Harbor与DuPont公司扩大作物研究伙伴关系

互联网2012年11月12日 23:51 点击:931

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Cold Spring Harbor和杜邦(DuPont)公司已经重新建立合作关系,专注于建立基因组研究,旨在提高作物产量和加强食品安全。

Cold Spring Harbor, DuPont Extend Crop Plant Partnership


NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and DuPont have renewed a collaboration focused on conducting genomics research aimed at boosting crop yields and enhancing food security.

The partners have renewed for another five years a partnership that began in 2007 that has and will continue to focus on the genetic basis of plant processes controlling growth, development, and yield, CSHL said today. terms of the alliance were not disclosed.

“Our collaboration has contributed to – and will continue to contribute to – increasing our understanding of the basic genetic mechanisms controlling plant growth and development which will contribute to global food security in the coming decades," DuPont Agricultural Biotechnology VP John Bedbrook said in a statement.

“We must leverage all the science and technology tools available, including this important collaboration with CSHL. Our collaboration has contributed to – and will continue to contribute to – increasing our understanding of the basic genetic mechanisms controlling plant growth and development which will contribute to global food security in the coming decades," Bedbrook added.

(来源: 互联网 )

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