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互联网2012年11月14日 15:54 点击:1222



Cardioxyl Pharmaceuticals Raises $28 Million in Venture Funding

11/8/2012 9:07:45 AM

The drug development company’s lead product in its pipeline, CXL-1020is a compound designed to treat acute decompensated heart failure, the top reason for hospitalization among adults aged 65 or older in the US.The condition results in reduced cardiac function that typically results in fluid accumulation in the lungs (a condition called pulmonary edema) and severe shortness of breath, according to the company’s website. The therapeutic in Phase 2 developmentwaslicensed from Johns Hopkins University.It is designed to improve the performance of heart muscle contractions and widen the blood vessels to increase blood flow without increasing the heart rate. It also has three other cardiovascular disease therapeutics in preclinical development.

(来源: 互联网 )

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