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互联网2012年11月5日 15:37 点击:1487


Astellas制药公司在日本推出了新药Gonax ,作为促性腺激素受体阻断皮下注射剂,用于治疗前列腺癌。


Astellas Pharma unveils prostate cancer therapy in Japan

PBR Staff Writer Published 22 October 2012


Astellas Pharma has introduced Gonax (Degarelix Acetate), a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-receptor blocker, for subcutaneous injection to treat prostate cancer in Japan.


Gonax is designed to inhibit the binding of GnRH, a hormone produced by the hypothalamus in the brain, to the specific receptors thereby restraining the testosterone production and finally controlling the prostate cancer growth.

The data obtained from Phase-III trial conducted abroad besides Phase I and Phase II studies conducted in Japan has formed the basis for filing a market authorization application.

The studies demonstrated that Gonax maintained the blood testosterone levels below castration from third day till the whole treatment period eliminating the testosterone flow.

Gonax also demonstrated a satisfactory safety profile in the studies.

(来源: 互联网 )

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